The Evolution of Digital Communication.

Numéro Homme Berlin


NUMÉRO HOMME Berlin steht an der Schnittstelle von High Fashion, Kultur und avantgardistischem Magazindesign und ist damit gleichermaßen attraktiv für internationale Markenkunden und kreative Meinungsführer.

NUMÉRO HOMME geht immer bis ans Limit und darüber hinaus. Das Magazin lebt Popkultur ohne Kompromisse und verbindet sowohl inhaltliche wie visuelle Trends mit der Tradition: selbstbewusst, gerne laut, aber immer mit dem richtigen Gespür für die jeweilige Situation.

NUMÉRO HOMME möchte ein Testlabor sein, ästhetische Grenzen überwinden und die Leser dazu bewegen, das Tradierte und Bekannte zu hinterfragen. In der Differenz, im Unbekannten wie Unbewussten, in dem, was uns irritiert und verängstigt, liegt meist das Kommende verborgen. Von diesem wollen wir zumindest träumen dürfen.


Numéro HOMME is positioned at the interface between high fashion, culture and avantgarde magazine design, and so is equally attractive to international brand customers and creative opinion leaders. Numéro HOMME always pushes to the limit, and beyond. The magazine lives pop culture uncompromisingly, and combines trends, in both content and visuals, with tradition: self- assured, sometimes opinionated, but always with a great feel for what fits the situation at hand. The Numéro HOMME man is both dominant and sensitive; he knows his strengths and weaknesses and he stands by them. He doesn’t make any compromises and sees the world as black or white. Anything that’s mediocre, that plays it safe and is merely useful, is wasted time for him. He looks for challenges and aims to grow by overcoming them. Stand still isn’t an option for him! The Numéro HOMME man is a radical rebel, full of passion and prepared to call everything into question; someone who always swims against the current. He absorbs everything around him, does everything 100% and never cares about being socially compatible. As a result he both polarizes and influences those around him. Everything he does is intended to help him develop and to get the best out of himself, cost what it may. Women don’t want the Numéro HOMME man as a partner but as an adventurer and lover who will burn them, scorch them. Other men don’t like the Numéro Homme man. For them he is a source of friction, the embodiment of all they envy. But deep in their hearts they wish they were like him. Numéro HOMME has earned its status as one of the most relevant culture and fashion magazines ever on the strength of its ground- breaking fashion spreads produced with the world’s best photographers and its superb features on art, architecture and culture. The magazine’s pioneering role extends far beyond print and its mother country, France, to social networks like Facebook and Instagram, blogs, selected events and partnerships. Numéro HOMME readers belong to an international class of opinion leaders whose style and consumer behaviour significantly influence others. For them, Numéro has become a downright bible for fashion and trends. Its credibility and status make the Numéro HOMME brand the perfect partner for all advertisers wishing to position their products at the spearhead of the trendsetting groups.

Media kit


Consumer Magazine
40.000 pieces
Advertising rate (1/1 page 4c)
€ 16.000
Frequency of publication
2 times a year
Target group
Men, 30-55 years

Steht an der Schnittstelle von High Fashion, Kultur und avantgardistischem Magazindesign